Saturday, September 16, 2006

Report of Donation: US100$

Dear Members and Dhamma Friends,

It is long time now that we have not heard about the activities of our organization. Of course, it is not silent as it is voiceless, but it is still moving forward for the sake of our Cambodian compatiots. The balance sheet of our member donation is increasing; and if you didn't do your donation, please renew your kind generosity and sharing. Myangkorean will make a ballance sheet for us; and send to everybody.

Now, I am busy with the intensive study course; but I have never forgoten of extending our help to Cambodian poor people. On Wednesday, September 30, 2006 I have sent US100$ to Mom Sonando to buy rice for poor people. During this time, our Cambodian compatriots are starving and suffering of hunger.

See below picture and email of Thanks Letter from Mom Sonando
Or see this website: or