Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Recent news updating of our organization's actvities

Now our project to the Youth Outreach Program of Cambodians in Cambodia is finished. The monk facilitator called me that it is a very successful instruction. He also conducted a Pka Prak Samakii and can raise up to three millions riels.

The raising money is just for a new computer, library books and scholarship for the students in that school.

The event was also broadcasted through CTN in the evening news about six minutes.

Now, he is airing the Dhamma through a local radio in Siem Reap. The radio onwner charges 50 dollars per month.

He will report to our organization attaching with event-photos. And he also sends CD to us. Now it is in the ongoing way.

So, this is a brief new from our Global Friend Online Organization.

Neither mother, father, nor any other relative can do one greater good than one's own well-directed mind. - Dhammapada

Yours in Dhamma

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